Install and connect

Install Memgraph Lab and connect to a database

We recommend you use the Memgraph Platform and get the complete streaming graph application platform that includes:

  • Memgraph - the database that holds your data
  • Memgraph Lab - visual user interface for running queries and visualizing graph data
  • mgconsole - command-line interface for running queries
  • MAGE - graph algorithms and modules library

After running the image, mgconsole will open in the terminal while Memgraph Lab is available on http://localhost:3000.

If you want to install Memgraph Lab as a desktop application, check out the installation instructions for Windows, macOS and Linux, and if you have a public Memgraph database instance you can access the Lab web application at (opens in a new tab).

Install Memgraph Lab desktop application

Download and install Memgraph

Memgraph Lab requires a running Memgraph database instance.

If you installed Memgraph using Docker and wish to connect to it with the Memgraph Lab desktop application, ensure that ports 7687, used for instance connections (-p 7687:7687), and 7444, used for logs (-p 7444:7444), are exposed in the docker run ... command.

Connecting Memgraph Lab to Memgraph may vary depending on the deployment method or operating system. The handling of the QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST environment variable varies by operating system.

Download Memgraph Lab

Visit the Download Hub (opens in a new tab) and download the Memgraph Lab desktop application.

Install Memgraph Lab

You can install Memgraph Lab by double clicking the downloaded installer and following the instructions.

If you downloaded Memgraph Lab on Linux, you can execute:

sudo dpkg -i MemgraphLab-x.x.x.deb

Set up connection

After you start Memgraph Lab, you should be presented with a login screen.

These are the default settings:

  • Leave the Username and Password fields empty.
  • The Host field can be either localhost, or, or change it appropriately.
  • The Port field should be 7687. Every Memgraph instance is listening on this port by default.
  • The Encrypted option should be disabled and display SSL Off by default.


Click on Connect, and you should be presented with the following dashboard:


Congratulations! You have successfully installed Memgraph Lab and connected it to Memgraph. You are now ready to start building your graph and querying it.


You might receive the following error message when trying to connect.


In this case, make sure that Memgraph is properly up and running and that you have entered the correct port number.

Execute queries

Now, you can execute Cypher queries on Memgraph. Open the Query tab, located in the left sidebar, copy the following query and press the Run query button:

CREATE (u:User {name: "Alice"})-[:Likes]->(m:Software {name: "Memgraph"});

The query above will create 2 nodes in the database, one labeled "User" with name "Alice" and the other labeled "Software" with name "Memgraph". It will also create a relationship that "Alice" likes "Memgraph".

To find created nodes and relationships, execute the following query:

MATCH p=()-[]->() RETURN p;

You should get the following result:


Run Memgraph Lab with Docker

Run the Memgraph Lab Docker image using the following command:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000  --name lab memgraph/lab

Once the container is up you can access Memgraph Lab on localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab).

Issues when connecting to Memgraph

Memgraph Lab detects if Memgraph is running on localhost:7687 by default for the Quick Connect. The environment variables that are responsible for Quick Connect working as expected are QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST and QUICK_CONNECT_MG_PORT. The handling of the QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST environment variable differs based on the operating system:

  • Mac or Windows: The host.docker.internal hostname allows Docker containers to connect to the host machine. Set this as the value for QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST when running Lab on Mac or Windows to enable connection to Memgraph running on the host:

    docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST=host.docker.internal --name lab memgraph/lab
  • Linux: There's no need to set QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST as it defaults to localhost, assuming Memgraph is running locally on the host machine.

You can also use the QUICK_CONNECT_MG_PORT environment variable to specify the quick connect port number, e.g. - e QUICK_CONNECT_MG_PORT=7688.


To connect to a running Memgraph instance, you don't need to set QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOST to host.docker.internal. Instead, create a new connection in Memgraph Lab and specify host.docker.internal as the Host.

Setting host.docker.internal as the Host

Environment variables

The desktop application version of Memgraph Lab does not support receiving environment variables.

Configure Memgraph Lab using the following environment variables when running it through Docker, including Docker Compose:

QUERY_MAX_LENMax length of a Cypher queryinteger5000
MODULE_NAME_MAX_LENMax length of the query module nameinteger1000
MODULE_CONTENT_MAX_LENMax length of a query module contentinteger50000
STREAM_NAME_MAX_LENMax length of the stream nameinteger500
QUERY_VALIDATION_IS_ENABLEDState of query validationbooleanfalse
STREAM_VALIDATION_IS_ENABLEDState of stream validationbooleanfalse
NODE_LABEL_MAX_LENMax length of the node labelinteger1000
NODE_LABEL_VALIDATION_IS_ENABLEDState of node label validationbooleanfalse
NODE_PROPERTY_MAX_LENMax length of the node propertyinteger1000
NODE_PROPERTY_VALIDATION_IS_ENABLEDState of node property validationbooleanfalse
MODULE_VALIDATION_IS_ENABLEDState of module validationbooleanfalse
QUICK_CONNECT_IS_DISABLEDState of quick connect featurebooleanfalse
QUICK_CONNECT_MG_HOSTHost address for quick connectstring127.0.0.1
QUICK_CONNECT_MG_PORTPort for quick connectinteger7687
REQUEST_BODY_LIMIT_MBLimit for request body size in MBinteger20

When running Memgraph Lab using Docker, configure the environment variables to adjust settings. Use the Docker run command as follows to set these variables:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name lab -e QUERY_MAX_LEN=10000 -e MODULE_NAME_MAX_LEN=2500 memgraph/lab

For Docker Compose, define the same environment variables within the environment section of your service configuration in the docker-compose.yml file:

  - QUERY_MAX_LEN=10000