Data streamsTransformation modulesTransformation modules C API

Transformation modules C API

This is the C API documentation for mg_procedure.h that contains declarations of all functions that can be used to implement a transformation. This source file can be found in the Memgraph installation directory, under include/memgraph. On the standard Debian installation, this will be under /usr/include/memgraph.


NOTE: This part of the documentation is still under development. An updated version will soon be available.


For an example of how to implement transformation modules in C, check out the transformation module example.


typedef void (*)(const struct mgp_messages *, const struct mgp_graph *, struct mgp_result *, struct mgp_memory *);mgp_trans_cb
Entry-point for a transformation with a fixed result type

Each record of the result must contain the following fields:

  • the query field with a Cypher query as a string that will be executed against the database
  • the parameters field with the optional query parameters as a nullable map


size_tmgp_messages_size(const struct mgp_messages *messages)
Get the number of messages contained in the messages list.
const struct mgp_message *mgp_messages_at(const struct mgp_messages *messages, size_t idx)
Get the mgp_message at index idx.
size_tmgp_message_payload_size(const struct mgp_message *message)
Get the payload size of message.
const char *mgp_message_payload(const struct mgp_message *message)
Get the payload of messages as a byte array.
const char *mgp_message_topic_name(const struct mgp_message *message)
Get the topic name of message.
size_tmgp_message_key_size(const struct mgp_message *message)
Get key size of message.
const char *mgp_message_key(const struct mgp_message *message)
Get key of message as a byte array.
int64_tmgp_message(const struct mgp_message *message)
Get the timestamp of message.
intmgp_module_add_transformation(struct mgp_module *module, const char *name, mgp_trans_cb cb)
Registers a transformation to a module

Types Documentation

typedef mgp_trans_cb

typedef void(* mgp_trans_cb) (const struct mgp_messages *, const struct mgp_graph *, struct mgp_result *, struct mgp_memory *);

Entry-point for a transformation invoked through a stream. Passed in arguments will not live longer than the callback’s execution. Therefore, you must not store them globally or use the passed in mgp_memory to allocate global resources. The result type of transformation is fixed.

Functions Documentation

function mgp_messages_size

size_t mgp_messages_size(
  const struct mgp_messages* messages

Returns the total number of messages contained in the argument messages.

function mgp_messages_at

mgp_message* mgp_messages_at(
  const struct mgp_messages* messages,
  size_t idx

Accessor function that returns the underlying message stored at index idx in messages. The index supplied must reside in the half-open interval [0, mgp_messages_size(messages)).

function mgp_message_payload_size

size_t mgp_message_payload_size
  const struct mgp_message* message

Returns the payload size of the argument message.

function mgp_message_payload

const char * mgp_message_payload(
  const struct mgp_message* message

Returns the payload of the argument message as a byte array with size mgp_message_payload_size(message).

function mgp_message_topic_name

const char * mgp_message_topic_name(
  const struct mgp_message* message

Returns topic name of the argument message. Topic name is NULL terminated.

function mgp_message_key_size

size_t mgp_message_key_size(
  const struct mgp_message* message

Returns the key size of argument message.

function mgp_message_key

const char * mgp_message_key(
  const struct mgp_message* message

Returns the key of the argument message as a byte array with size mgp_message_key_size(message).

function mgp_message_timestamp

int64_t mgp_timestamp(
  const struct mgp_message* message

Returns the timestamp of the argument message.

function mgp_module_add_transformation

int mgp_module_add_transformation(
  struct mgp_module *module,
  const char *name,
  mgp_trans_cb cb

Register a transformation to a module. The name must be a sequence of digits, underscores, lowercase, and uppercase Latin letters. The name must begin with a non-digit character. Note that Unicode characters are not allowed. Additionally, the name is case-sensitive.

Return non-zero if the transformation is added successfully. Registering might fail if unable to allocate memory for the transformation; if name is not valid, or a transformation with the same name was already registered or if any other unexpected failure happens.

Transformation module example

Transformations can be implemented in C/C++ using the C API provided by Memgraph. Such modules need to be compiled to a shared library so that they can be loaded when Memgraph starts. This means that you can write the transformations in any programming language which can work with C and can be compiled to the ELF shared library format.

In this chapter, we assume that Memgraph is installed on a standard Debian or Ubuntu machine where the necessary header file can be found under /usr/include/memgraph. For other installations, the header file can be found under the include/memgraph folder in the Memgraph installation directory.

As we already discussed how transformations work in the Python example, we won’t go over the transformation itself in detail. Also, to keep the complexity of this example low, this transformation doesn’t use the query parameters.

So let’s create c_transformation.cpp and start to populate it!

#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include "mg_procedure.h"
const std::string query_part_1{"CREATE (n:MESSAGE {timestamp: '"};
const std::string query_part_2{"', payload: '"};
const std::string query_part_3{"', topic: '"};
const std::string query_part_4{"'})"};
std::string create_query(mgp_message &message, struct mgp_result *result) {
  int64_t timestamp{0};
  if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
      mgp_message_timestamp(&message, &timestamp)) {
    throw "Internal error!";
  const char *payload{nullptr};
  if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
      mgp_message_payload(&message, &payload)) {
    throw "Internal error!";
  size_t payload_size{0};
  if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
      mgp_message_payload_size(&message, &payload_size)) {
    throw "Internal error!";
  const char *topic_name{nullptr};
  if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
      mgp_message_topic_name(&message, &topic_name)) {
    throw "Internal error!";
  return query_part_1 + std::to_string(timestamp) + query_part_2 +
         std::string{payload, payload_size} + query_part_3 + topic_name +
void my_c_transformation(struct mgp_messages *messages, mgp_graph *,
                         mgp_result *result, mgp_memory *memory) {
  mgp_value *null_value{nullptr};
  try {
    size_t messages_size{0};
    if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
        mgp_messages_size(messages, &messages_size)) {
    if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
        mgp_value_make_null(memory, &null_value)) {
    for (auto i = 0; i < messages_size; ++i) {
      mgp_message *message{nullptr};
      if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
          mgp_messages_at(messages, i, &message)) {
      const auto query = create_query(*message, result);
      mgp_result_record *record{nullptr};
      if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
          mgp_result_new_record(result, &record)) {
      mgp_value *query_value{nullptr};
      if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
          mgp_value_make_string(query.c_str(), memory, &query_value)) {
      auto mgp_result = mgp_result_record_insert(record, "query", query_value);
      if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR != mgp_result) {
            mgp_result_set_error_msg(result, "Couldn't insert field"));
      mgp_result = mgp_result_record_insert(record, "parameters", null_value);
      if (mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR != mgp_result) {
            mgp_result_set_error_msg(result, "Couldn't insert field"));
  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
    static_cast<void>(mgp_result_set_error_msg(result, e.what()));

Now we have to register the transformation in the mgp_init_module function:

extern "C" int mgp_init_module(mgp_module *module, mgp_memory *memory) {
  return mgp_error::MGP_ERROR_NO_ERROR !=
         mgp_module_add_transformation(module, "my_c_transformation",

Now let’s compile it:

clang++ --std=c++17 -Wall -shared -fPIC -I /usr/include/memgraph c_transformation.cpp -o

After copying the resulting to the /usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules or /var/lib/memgraph/internal_modules directory, we can reload the modules and check if Memgraph found our newly created transformation:

CALL mg.load_all();

Then the transformation should show up in the list of transformations:

CALL mg.transformations() YIELD *;

You should see something like this:

| name                                      | path                                                  | is_editable |
| "c_transformation.my_c_transformation"    | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/" | false       |
| "transformation.my_transformation"        | "/usr/lib/memgraph/query_modules/"   | true        |