

To query the database, Memgraph uses Cypher - the most widely adopted, fully-specified, and open query language for property graph databases. It provides an intuitive way to work with property graphs.

Cypher is a declarative query language specifically designed to handle querying graph data efficiently. With Cypher, you express what to retrieve but not how to retrieve it. This allows you to focus on the problem domain instead of worrying about the syntax.

Cypher was designed to be easy to learn but very powerful when it comes to graph analytics. This means that you can use Cypher to write complex queries relatively easily.

Quick start

If you are new to the Cypher query language, you can think of Cypher as mapping English language sentence structure to patterns in a graph. In most cases, the nouns are nodes of the graph, the verbs are the relationships in the graph, and the adjectives and adverbs are the properties.

We can interpret this graph by using the said method of mapping patterns to language structures:

A person named Harry is married to a person named Anna.

There are two nodes in this graph labeled :Person, one with name property Anna and the other with the name property Harry, and they are connected with a relationship MARRIED TO.

You can try out Cypher using Memgraph sandbox, already filled with sample data. You don’t need to install anything just open the Game of Thrones Deaths dataset on Memgraph playground. You will find some predefined queries there that will help you to get a glimpse of what you can accomplish with Cypher.

Playground supports only read operations. If you’d like to modify the dataset, you will need to install and run Memgraph on your computer.

Check out our free Cypher e-mail course and learn the Cypher query language in 10 days.

Cypher styling and syntax

As with other languages, Cypher has its own set of syntax rules and styling recommendations. And as always, it is sensible to add comments to code as you write it.


To specify a comment in Cypher, place the characters // before the line you want to be a comment:

// This is a Cypher comment
CREATE (p1:Person {name: 'Harry'}), (p2:Person {name: 'Anna'})
CREATE (p1)-[r1:MARRIED_TO]->(p2)
CREATE (p2)-[r2:MARRIED_TO]->(p1)
RETURN r1, r2;

Naming convention

Node labels should be written using CamelCase and start with an upper-case letter. Node labels are case-sensitive.


Property keys, variables, parameters, aliases, and functions are camelCase and begin with a lower-case letter. These components are case-sensitive.

dateOfBirth // Property key
largestCountry // Variable
size() // Function
countryOne // Alias

Relationship types are styled upper-case and use the underscore character _ to separate multiple words. Relationship types are case-sensitive and you cannot use the - character in a relationship type.


Aside from clauses, there is a number of keywords that should be styled with capital letters even though they are not case sensitive. These include: DISTINCT, IN, STARTS WITH, CONTAINS, NOT, AND, OR and AS.

MATCH (c:Country)
WHERE c.name CONTAINS 'United' AND c.population > 9000000
RETURN c AS Country;

Indentations and line breaks

Sometimes it’s helpful to separate new clauses with an indent. Even though they are in a new line, subqueries should be indented to ensure readability. If there are multiple subqueries, they can be further grouped with curly brackets.

//Indent 2 spaces on lines with ON CREATE or ON MATCH subqueries
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Helga'})
MERGE (c:Country {name: 'UK'})
MERGE (p)-[l:LIVES_IN]->(c)
  ON CREATE SET l.movedIn = date({year: 2020})
  ON MATCH SET l.modified = date()
RETURN p, l, c;

An exception to this rule would be a one-line subquery where you don’t need to use a new line or an indent.


When it comes to quotes, a simple rule is to use whichever provides the fewest escaped characters in the string. If escaped characters are not needed, or their number is the same for single and double quotes, then single quotes should be favored.

// Bad syntax
RETURN 'Memgraph\'s mission is: ', "A very famous quote is: \"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant.\""
// Recommended syntax
RETURN "Memgraph's mission is: ", 'A very famous quote is: "Astra inclinant, sed non obligant."'