Query plan
Cypher is a declarative language, meaning that you specify what you want to retrieve but not the steps on how to retrieve it. Memgraph query engine determines the ideal way to execute a Cypher query. The big part of getting to the best execution time is having a good query plan structure consisting of query plan operators. If a query plan has already been generated for a certain query, query plan caching will speed up the execution. Besides the default behavior of the query planner, configuration can be tweaked to achieve the best performance.
Memgraph query engine
Memgraph query engine is responsible for dealing with every Cypher query in Memgraph. It does not matter if the query comes from Memgraph Lab, mgconsole, or some other client.
A Cypher query is just a statement in the text that converts into a query plan for the database to understand and execute. There are several steps in that process, and here is a rough breakdown:
Query run initiated
Memgraph receives query as a raw string.
Query parsing
Query parser runs lexical and syntactic analysis.
Query planning
Query planner constructs an optimal execution plan and caches it.
Query execution
The storage engine executes the query plan.
Query results returned
Results are returned to the client that initiated the query.
First, you need to write a Cypher query. That step assumes an understanding of the syntax of Cypher query language. The Memgraph query engine is based on the openCypher defined in the full reference guide. There is a plethora of examples and help written on that topic.
Let’s give an example of how the query engine transforms a raw string into an actual result from the database. Here is the query:
MATCH (n:Node {id:1}) RETURN n;
The query is sent to the database, and as the first step it goes through is the query parser. The query parser will run the lexical and syntactic analysis of the query. That involves checking statements and query string structures, ensuring they are appropriately written and constructed from the available vocabulary.
Here is an example of a query that would not pass lexical analysis:
MATC (n:Node {id:1}) RETURN n;
The query parser will return an error because the MATCH
keyword is misspelled:
line 1:1 mismatched input 'MATC' expecting {ADD, ANALYZE, CALL, CHECK, CLEAR,...
If the lexical and syntactic analysis goes well, the query engine checks if there is a cached query plan based on the same query.
If the query plan is found in the cache, it will be used for the query execution. On the other side, if there is no such query plan already cached, the query will be stripped of literals and replaced with normalized values for caching purposes. You can read more about that in the query plan caching section.
Query planner aims to find the optimal plan that defines steps for the most cost-effective query execution. Memgraph query engine can do many optimizations in the background but also make mistakes. Hence, it is essential to get familiar with the structure of a query plan to understand query execution and identify potential performance bottlenecks.
Query plan structure
To change the current plan structure, Cypher queries need to be updated, or some of the optimization techniques must be applied. The query plan is an internal tree-like data structure describing a pipeline of operations performed on the database to yield the results for a given query. Every node within a plan is known as an operator and describes a particular operation.
Because a plan represents a pipeline, the operators are iteratively executed as data passes from one operator to the other. Every operator pulls data from the operator(s) preceding it, processes it, and passes it onto the operator next in the pipeline for further processing.
Query plan can be obtained by prefixing any query with
Here is an example of a produced query plan:
| * Produce {n} |
| * ScanAll (n) |
| * Once |
The query plan should be read from the bottom to the top.
The output of the query using the EXPLAIN
clause is a representation of the
produced plan. Every operator within the plan starts with an asterisk character
) and is followed by its name (and sometimes additional information). The
execution of the query proceeds iteratively (generating one entry of the result
set at a time), with data flowing from the bottom-most operator(s) (the start of
the pipeline) to the top-most operator(s) (the end of the pipeline).
The resulting plan is a pipeline of 3 operators, as shown in the example above.
is the identity operator, which does nothing and is always found
at the start of the pipeline, ScanAll
is an operator which iteratively
produces all of the nodes in the graph, and Produce
is an operator
which takes data produced by another operator and produces data for the
query’s result set.
In this case, the ScanAll
operator produces all nodes from the graph
and passes them to the Produce
operator, which returns the nodes to the
user. This is a simple query data pipeline.
Here is a query that will generate the tree structure of the plan:
Here is the generated plan:
| * Produce {n} |
| * Accumulate |
| * Merge |
| |\ On Match |
| | * ScanAll (n) |
| | * Once |
| |\ On Create |
| | * CreateNode |
| | * Once |
| * Once |
Starting from the bottom and skipping Once
operator, the Merge
operator can
take input from two operators - On Match
or On Create
. The results will be
pulled from the On Match
branch only if the matching node is found. On the other
hand, the results will be pulled from the On Create
branch only if there is
no matching node, meaning a new node must be created. Each branch has its own
pipeline of operators, starting with Once
and being read from the bottom to
the top.
Here is an example of a more complex query:
EXPLAIN MERGE (p:Person {name: 'Angela'})
RETURN p.name, p.notFound, p.found;
A more complex query will generate a larger tree-like structure:
| * Produce {p.name, p.notFound, p.found} |
| * Accumulate |
| * Merge |
| |\ On Match |
| | * SetProperty |
| | * Filter (p :Person), {p.name} |
| | * ScanAll (p) |
| | * Once |
| |\ On Create |
| | * SetProperty |
| | * CreateNode |
| | * Once |
| * Once |
In the above example, each of the branches of the Merge
operator has more
operators in the pipeline. The On Match
branch has a Filter
operator, which
filters the nodes based on the label and property, and a SetProperty
which sets the property on the node. The On Create
branch has a CreateNode
operator, which creates a new node, and a SetProperty
operator, which sets the
property on the node.
By combining different operators, the query engine can produce a wide variety of query plans that are data pipelines for executing queries and producing results.
Query plan operators
Each of the mentioned operators in the query plan represents a particular operation that will be performed on the data.
The following table lists all the operators currently supported by Memgraph:
Operator | Description |
Accumulate | Accumulates the input it received. |
Aggregate | Aggregates the input it received. |
Apply | Joins the returned symbols from two branches of execution. |
CallProcedure | Calls a procedure. |
Cartesian | Applies the Cartesian product (the set of all possible ordered combinations consisting of one member from each of those sets) on the input it received. |
ConstructNamedPath | Creates a path. |
CreateNode | Creates a node. |
CreateExpand | Creates edges and new nodes to connect with existing nodes. |
Delete | Deletes nodes and edges. |
EdgeUniquenessFilter | Filters unique edges. |
EmptyResult | Discards results from the previous operator. |
EvaluatePatternFilter | Part of the filter operator that contains a sub-branch which yields either true or false. |
Expand | Expands the node by finding the node’s relationships. |
ExpandVariable | Performs a node expansion of a variable number of relationships |
Filter | Filters the input it received. |
Foreach | Iterates over a list and applies one or more update clauses. |
HashJoin | Performs a hash join of the input from its two input branches. |
IndexedJoin | Performs an indexed join of the input from its two input branches. |
Limit | Limits certain rows from the pull chain. |
LoadCsv | Loads CSV file in order to import files into the database. |
Merge | Applies merge on the input it received. |
Once | Forms the beginning of an operator chain with “only once” semantics. The operator will return false on subsequent pulls. |
Optional | Performs optional matching. |
OrderBy | Orders the input it received. |
PeriodicCommit | Batches the write query after a specified amount of rows. |
PeriodicSubquery | Batches the write query after a specified amount of rows. Used for batching subqueries. |
Produce | Produces results. |
RemoveLabels | Removes a variable number of node labels. |
RemoveProperty | Removes a node or relationship property. |
ScanAll | Produces all nodes in the database. |
ScanAllById | Produces nodes with a certain index. |
ScanAllByLabel | Produces nodes with a certain label. |
ScanAllByLabelProperty | Produces nodes with a certain label and property. |
ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange | Produces nodes with a certain label and property value within the given range (both inclusive and exclusive). |
ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue | Produces nodes with a certain label and property value. |
ScanAllByPointDistance | Produces nodes with a certain distance from a given Point. |
SetLabels | Sets node labels of variable length. |
SetProperty | Sets a node or relationship property. |
SetProperties | Sets a list of node or relationship properties. |
Skip | Skips certain rows from the pull chain. |
Unwind | Unwinds an expression to multiple records. |
Distinct | Applies a distinct filter on the input it received. |
Some operators are always present and can be considered boilerplate operators, such as Once
and Produce.
is the operator that represents the first operator in the query plan, and it is always present. Once
is used to signal the start of the query plan and the start of the operator chain in other branches.
is the operator that represents the last operator in the query plan, and it is almost always
present. It is used to signal the end of the query plan and is connected to the usage of the RETURN
clause in the query.
If nothing is returned, the EmptyResult
will be part of the query plan instead of the Produce
Here is an example of a query that will have Once
and Produce
operators in the query plan:
Here is the query plan:
| " * Produce {0}" |
| " * Once" |
is the operator that represents the operator that produces all nodes
in the database. This means that it will visit every node in the graph and
pass that data to the next operator in the query plan. This operator is
used when there is no node filtering based on labels and properties, and it is
expensive to use on large graphs. Learn how to avoid using it by reading
the best practices.
Here is the query that has ScanAll
operator in the query plan:
Here is the query plan:
| * Produce {n} |
| * ScanAll (n) |
| * Once |
is the operator that filters the input it receives. This operator is
used when filtering node and relationship properties or labels. Typically, the
clause arguments are used to filter the nodes and relationships based on
the arguments the filter applies automatically.
Here is an example of nodes filtering:
Here is the generated query plan:
| " * Produce {n}" |
| " * Filter {n.id}" |
| " * ScanAll (n)" |
| " * Once" |
Here is an example of relationship filtering based on the relationship property:
EXPLAIN MATCH (p)-[r {id:1}]->(t) RETURN r;
Here is the generated query plan:
| " * Produce {r}" |
| " * Filter {r.id}" |
| " * Expand (t)<-[r]-(p)" |
| " * ScanAll (t)" |
| " * Once" |
In the example above, the Expand
operator expands from the t
node to the p
node. The Expand
operator finds connected nodes based on the relationship type
and direction. It is equivalent to the graph traversals or hops. A similar
filter is the ExpandVariable
operator, which performs a node
expansion of several traversals or hops from the starting node.
Here is an example of the ExpandVariable
EXPLAIN MATCH (p)-[*1..2]-(t) RETURN p, t;
Here is the generated query:
| " * Produce {p, t}" |
| " * ExpandVariable (t)-[anon1]-(p)" |
| " * ScanAll (t)" |
| " * Once" |
in this case means the relationship is anonymous, and it is not named in the query.
Hence, there can be any relationship between the nodes p
and t
, two hops away.
and Filter
operators can be replaced with the ScanAllByLabel
, ScanAllByLabelPropertyRange
operators, which are used to produce nodes with a
specific label and property, and are typically indexed.
Here is a query:
EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Transfer {year:1992}) RETURN n;
And its generated query plan:
| " * Produce {n}" |
| " * Filter (n :Transfer), {n.year}" |
| " * ScanAll (n)" |
| " * Once" |
If you create an index on the :Transfer
label, the ScanAll
operator will be
replaced with the ScanAllByLabel
operator, which is used to produce nodes with
a specific label and thus minimizing search.
Now the same query will have a different query plan:
EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Transfer {year:1992}) RETURN n;
Here is a new query plan:
| " * Produce {n}" |
| " * Filter {n.year}" |
| " * ScanAllByLabel (n :Transfer)" |
| " * Once" |
Adding a label-property index will optimize the query plan and execution, and
replace the ScanAll
operator with the ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue
This will further optimize the existing query plan and, consequently, execution speed.
Create a new label-property index and again run EXPLAIN
CREATE INDEX ON :Transfer(year);
EXPLAIN MATCH (n:Transfer {year:1992}) RETURN n;
Here is a new query plan:
| " * Produce {n}" |
| " * ScanAllByLabelPropertyValue (n :Transfer {year})" |
| " * Once" |
Indexes, constraints, and data cardinality statistics can influence how the
query plan is generated. Memgraph has ANALYZE GRAPH
and index
hinting features that affect query
plan generation. For details on how to optimize the query plan execution and use
those features, read the best practices.
Query plan caching
There are multiple steps involved in running a query, including parsing, planning, and execution. The query plan is produced in the planning step, and it is used to optimize the query execution.
Each part of the query is a basis for generating a unique query plan. If the
the query has multiple MATCH
, and MERGE
Cypher clauses, the
query planner will use different parts as starting points for running a query,
while keeping the query semantics the same. Having more query parts with
mentioned clauses will cause the query planner to generate multiple query plans,
Each of them is a unique variation of combinations.
The set of unique plans is then evaluated based on the cost estimation. The optimal plan has the lowest cost of all unique plans. The cost is calculated based on the operator cardinality and on the preset coefficient of the runtime performance of that operator.
The optimal query plan is the fastest and least resource-intensive plan that can be produced for the query given by the query engine. In order to speed up the query execution, the query plan is being cached for later use and thus does not need to be calculated for each query execution.
Let’s imagine that you have multiple CREATE
CREATE (n:Node {id: 123});
CREATE (n:Node {id: 154});
CREATE (n:Node {id: 322});
Although the above queries are not exactly the same, they will have the same query plan that looks like this:
| " * EmptyResult" |
| " * CreateNode" |
| " * Once" |
The generated query plan is the same because the query parser automatically strips the literals and replaces them with placeholder values, so each consecutive query reuses the same query plan.
Instead of computing the plan for each query, the query plan uses normalized version of the query in both cases, such as:
CREATE (n:Node {id: 0})
The values are replaced with mock values, and the real value is seeded at the end of the query plan. In this way, only the query structure is being considered for caching, and the query can be cached; although the query parameters were not used the query can be cached.
The same can be achieved by using query parameters:
CREATE (n:Node {id: $id});
CREATE (n:Node {id: $id});
CREATE (n:Node {id: $id});
The query plan will be reused, because the identical string is used for all three queries. It is recommended to use query parameters to achieve query plan caching, since the change in the type will trigger the new query plan generation, which is not the case with the query parameters, and parsing of parameters is faster.
To validate query plan caching, use the query execution time summary. In the results of the query execution time summary, find out the time spent for query planning.
//First run of the query
Additional execution time info:
Query COST estimate: 0
Query PARSING time: 0.00170783 sec
Query PLAN EXECUTION time: 9.8768e-05 sec
Query PLANNING time: 0.001479502 sec
//Second run of the query
Additional execution time info:
Query COST estimate: 0
Query PARSING time: 8.0453e-05 sec
Query PLAN EXECUTION time: 7.1126e-05 sec
Query PLANNING time: 7.6255e-05 sec
As you can see in the example above, the query planning time is significantly lower for the second query, which means that the query plan is being reused.
The query plan caching is not supported for the custom query modules
Currently, if you are using the custom query modules, the query plan caching is not supported, and the query plan will be re-generated for each query executed. Since the custom query modules are dynamic and can change, the query plan could reference the old version of the query module and produce incorrect results.
Query plan cache cleanup
The query plan cache is invalidated when the schema of the database changes. This means that any update of indexes (creation or deletion) invalidates query plan cache. The reason for that is that the query plan is being optimized based on the schema of the database, and if the schema changes, the query plan could produce inefficient and outdated results. Hence, it is necessary to invalidate the query plan cache and regenerate the query plans during the execution of the query.
The query plan cache is also invalidated when the database is restarted, since there is currently no persistent storage for the query plan cache.
Query plan configuration
The behavior of the query plan can be influenced by the database configuration parameters on database startup.
This parameter enables or disables the Cartesian product operator. The Cartesian
product operator is used to apply the Cartesian product to the input it
receives. This means if you match two nodes, the Cartesian product operator will
produce all possible combinations of the nodes. This is a costly operation, and
it should be used with caution. The default value is set to true
Here is an example of the query plan that will trigger the query planner to use the Cartesian operator:
MATCH (n), (m) RETURN n, m;
Let’s say there are three nodes in the database labeled with Person
with a
property name
with values: John, Stan and Peter. The above query matches all
pairs of nodes and returns them. Therefore, for each n
node, the Cartesian
product operator will produce all possible combinations of the m
Here is the result:
| n | m |
| (:Person {name: "John"}) | (:Person {name: "John"}) |
| (:Person {name: "John"}) | (:Person {name: "Stan"}) |
| (:Person {name: "John"}) | (:Person {name: "Peter"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Stan"}) | (:Person {name: "John"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Stan"}) | (:Person {name: "Stan"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Stan"}) | (:Person {name: "Peter"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Peter"}) | (:Person {name: "John"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Peter"}) | (:Person {name: "Stan"}) |
| (:Person {name: "Peter"}) | (:Person {name: "Peter"}) |
Here is the query plan obtained with the EXPLAIN
| " * Produce {n, m}" |
| " * Cartesian {m : n}" |
| " |\\ " |
| " | * ScanAll (n)" |
| " | * Once" |
| " * ScanAll (m)" |
| " * Once" |
Only the left branch from the Cartesian product will be cached. If the left
branch produces too many records, Cartesian product can cause memory overhead.
To avoid that, you can set --cartesian-product-enabled
to false
This parameter turns the query cost planner on or off. The query cost planner is used to estimate the cost of the query execution, and it is an integral part of finding the optimal query plan. More complex queries will have multiple query plans that can yield semantically equivalent results. Based on the underlying cardinality of the data, the query cost planner will estimate the cost of the query execution and choose the optimal query plan. If the query cost planner is not working, the first viable plan will be used.
This parameter sets the maximum number of query plans that can be generated for a single query. The query engine will generate multiple query plans for a single query, and the query cost planner will choose the optimal query plan. This is an upper limit on the number of query plans that can be generated for a single query.
This parameter sets the maximum number of query plans that can be stored in the query plan cache. The query plan cache is used to store the query plans for later use, so they do not need to be recalculated for each query execution.
Depending on the configuration in the graph, the query engine will decide to use
regular Expand
operator or indexed lookup ScanAllByLabel
operator for a
scenario where the number of nodes to expand is less than the
This parameter sets the maximum time in seconds that a query can run before it is terminated.