Help center

Help Center

Are you stuck? Don't worry, here at Memgraph, we are all eager to help - we'll not leave you stranded!

❓ Try to find an answer in our FAQ page - maybe we already provided an answer to your inquiry.

🙋 Post a question on StackOverflow (opens in a new tab) with the tag memgraphdb.

You can also ask your question on our Discord server (opens in a new tab). There is always someone from Memgraph or graph community there to help!

🎫 Open a GitHub issue (opens in a new tab) in the corresponding repository to:

  • report a bug or a technical issue
  • submit a feature request or an improvement suggestion
  • request information not present in the documentation
  • ask any other kind of technical question.

📱Book a call (opens in a new tab) and learn more about Memgraph's capabilities to integrate it into your current stack as fast as possible.

🐞 Debug by yourself. Inspect your application with useful tools we have provided to you in the container. Send us the diagnostics so we can be faster in identifying your issues.


If you want to be a part of Memgraph's fast-growing community, join us on our path by following us, participating in discussions, and asking questions. We are available at the following platforms: