Data migrationMigrate from Memgraph Platform to Memgraph MAGE

Migrate from Memgraph Platform to Memgraph MAGE

Memgraph Platform was deployed as a single Docker image until version 2.15. Starting with version 2.15, the platform has transitioned to a multi-container application. This upgrade separates the previous single Docker image into individual containers for Memgraph+MAGE and Memgraph Lab.

If you are running an older version of Memgraph Platform (versions up to 2.15), you can migrate your data to the newer version of Memgraph MAGE.

Using a database dump

Dumping the database in Memgraph creates a comprehensive record of the database state, encapsulating nodes, relationships, indexes, constraints, and triggers in Cypher queries. In this scenario, we are having two Memgraph instances:

  1. Memgraph Platform
  2. Memgraph MAGE

Creating a database dump

To create a dump of your Memgraph Platform database, execute the following command in mgconsole:


This command will generate a series of Cypher queries that represent the current state of the database. These queries can be used to recreate the database in its dumped state. Copy this file to the location that will be accessible to the Memgraph MAGE instance.

Importing a database dump

If you installed and started Memgraph MAGE using Docker, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new terminal and check the Docker container ID by running docker ps.
  2. Copy the queries.cypherl to your Docker container.
  3. Run the following command:
docker exec -i CONTAINER_ID mgconsole < queries.cypherl

For more information about mgconsole options run:

docker exec -i CONTAINER_ID mgconsole --help

You can also use Memgraph Lab for exporting and importing .cypherl file. On the Memgraph Platform instance, run the Memgraph Lab and navigate to the Export section. You can export the database dump to a file with a .cypherl extension. Access the Memgraph MAGE instance using the Memgraph Lab desktop application and navigate to the Import section. Use the .cypherl dump to import the database state into the Memgraph MAGE instance.

For more details on using .cypherl, look at documentation on working with .cypherl files.

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