The default location of logs is inside the /var/log/memgraph/
directory. That
location can be configured using the --log-file
Memgraph tracks logs at various levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR,
CRITICAL. By default, it is using the WARNING level, but you can change the
level using the --log-level
configuration flag or during
runtime using the SET DATABASE SETTING "log.level" TO "TRACE";
The configuration set during runtime will be applied only for that session.
You can check the log level by running SHOW DATABASE SETTING "log.level";
To access the logs from the Memgraph Lab interface, make sure to expose the port 7444 when starting Memgraph with Docker.
To get additional information on the generated query plans, set
to True
, along with --log-level
set to DEBUG
Access logs
If you installed Memgraph with Linux, logs can be found in the
If you installed Memgraph using Docker, the easiest way to access the logs is by
having a named volume on the
directory and checking its content. If you’re not using a
named volume, here are the steps to access the logs within the running Docker
Find container ID
Open a new terminal and find the CONTAINER_ID
of the Memgraph Docker
docker ps
Enter the container
Run the following command:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash
Replace the <CONTAINER_ID>
parameter with the correct value.
List the contents of the /var/log/memgraph
ls /var/log/memgraph
List the content of the log
To list the content of the log, use the cat /var/log/memgraph/<memgraph_date>.log
For example, if the ls
command returned memgraph_2025-02-05.log
you would
list the contents using the following command:
cat /var/log/memgraph/memgraph_2025-02-05.log
Filtering unnecessary log messages
When you inspect Memgraph’s log files, you might find too many details that make it
hard to spot the important messages. To make analyzing the logs easier, you can
use a tool such as grep
to remove the messages you don’t need.
For instance, if you want to ignore messages about internal Memgraph Lab work, run the following command:
grep -v '{source:"lab-system"}' /var/log/memgraph_2025-02-05.log
Every query executed by Memgraph Lab has {source:"lab-system"}
metadata attached to it.
Therefore, the above command will exclude the log lines containing any query excuted by Memgraph Lab.
If you want to avoid having too much information storage, indexes, rules and triggers you can run the following command:
The above command excludes log lines containing SHOW STORAGE INFO
, making it easier to focus on the messages that are most relevant to
your monitoring and troubleshooting efforts.
Replace memgraph_2025-02-05.log
from /var/log/memgraph/memgraph_2025-02-05.log
with the actual log file name.
Save logs locally
If you want to save the log to your computer, exit the container with
or exit
, place yourself in a directory where you want to save the copy and run
the following command:
docker cp <CONTAINER_ID>:/var/log/memgraph/<memgraph_date>.log <memgraph_date>.log
For example, the following command will make a copy of the
file on the user’s desktop:
C:\Users\Vlasta\Desktop>docker cp bb3de2634afe:/var/log/memgraph/memgraph_2025-02-05.log memgraph_2025-02-05.log
Hiding passwords (Enterprise)
To enhance security, it’s crucial to ensure that sensitive information is not logged. In the example below we can see how passwords are masked in the Enterprise edition of Memgraph:
Original log (Community version):
SET PASSWORD TO 'newpassword' REPLACE 'oldpassword'
Masked log (Enterprise version):
All passwords are replaced with ****
to prevent their exposure in the logs.
This approach ensures that even if logs are accessed by unauthorized individuals,
they won’t be able to retrieve the actual passwords.
Audit log (Enterprise)
Memgraph supports all query audit logging. When enabled, the audit log contains records of all queries executed on the database. Each executed query is one entry (one line) in the audit log. The audit log itself is a CSV file.
All audit logs are written to
. The log is rotated using
, so entries in the audit.log
file are always the newest entries.
Entries in audit.log.1
, audit.log.2.gz
, etc. are older entries. The
default log rotation configuration can be found in /etc/logrotate.d/memgraph
By default, the log is rotated every day and a full year of entries is
preserved. You can modify the values to your own needs and preferences.
The audit log contains the following information formatted into a CSV file:
For each query, the supplied query parameters are also logged. The query is escaped and quoted so that commas in queries don’t affect the correctness of the CSV. The parameters are encoded as JSON objects and are then escaped and quoted.
This is an example of the audit log:
1551376833.225395,,admin,"MATCH (n) DETACH DELETE n","{}"
1551376833.257825,,admin,"CREATE (n {name: $name})","{\"name\":\"alice\"}"
1551376833.273546,,admin,"MATCH (n), (m) CREATE (n)-[:e {when: $when}]->(m)","{\"when\":42}"
1551376833.300955,,admin,"MATCH (n), (m) SET n.value = m.value","{}"
We can see that all of the queries were executed from the loopback address and
were executed by the user admin
. The executed queries are:
Query | Parameters
CREATE (n {name: $name}) | {"name": "alice"}
MATCH (n), (m) CREATE (n)-[:e {when: $when}]->(m) | {"when": 42}
MATCH (n), (m) SET n.value = m.value | {}
Parsing the log
If you wish to parse the log, the following Python snippet shows how to extract data from the audit log:
import csv
import json
with open("audit.log") as f:
reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', doublequote=False,
escapechar='\\', lineterminator='\n',
quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL,
skipinitialspace=False, strict=True)
for line in reader:
timestamp, address, username, query, params = line
params = json.loads(params)
# Rest of your code that processes the logs.
Use the following flags to configure audit logging in Memgraph.
Flag | Description |
--audit-enabled | Enables audit logging. |
--audit-buffer-size | Controls the in-memory buffer size used for audit logs. |
--audit-buffer-flush-interval-ms | Controls the time interval (in milliseconds) used for flushing the in-memory buffer to disk. |