
The graph_analyzer provides a deep analytics of the current state of the graph. Various different graph properties are extracted using NetworX.

The list of analytics that the module uses:

  • nodes: Number of nodes.
  • edges: Number of relationshps.
  • bridges: Number of bridges.
  • articulation_points: Number of articulation points.
  • avg_degree: Average degree.
  • sorted_nodes_degree: Sorted nodes degree.
  • self_loops: Self loops.
  • is_bipartite: Shows if the graph is bipartite.
  • is_plannar: Shows if the graph is planar.
  • is_biconnected: Shows if the graph is biconnected.
  • is_weakly_connected: Shows if the graph is weakly connected.
  • number_of_weakly_components: The number of weakly connected components.
  • is_strongly_connected: Shows if the graph is strongly connected.
  • strongly_components: The number of strongly connected components.
  • is_dag: Shows if the graph is directed acyclic graph (DAG).
  • is_eulerian: Shows if the graph is eulerian.
  • is_forest: Shows if the graph is forest.
  • is_tree: Shows if the graph is tree.
Module typemodule
Graph directionundirected
Edge weightsunweighted



The procedure analyzes the graph and returns information.


  • subgraph: Graph (OPTIONAL) ➡ A specific subgraph, which is an object of type Graph returned by the project() function, on which the algorithm is run.
  • analyses: List[string] (default=NULL) ➡ List of analytics names to be fetched. If provided with NULL, the whole set of analytics will be included.


  • name: string ➡ The name of the analytics.
  • value: string ➡ Analytics value, stored as a string.


Use the following query to analyze the graph:

CALL graph_analyzer.analyze() 
YIELD name, value
RETURN name, value;


The procedure analyzes a subgraph and returns information.


  • subgraph: Graph (OPTIONAL) ➡ A specific subgraph, which is an object of type Graph returned by the project() function, on which the algorithm is run.
  • vertices: List[Vertex] ➡ Subset of vertices within a graph.
  • edges: List[Edge] ➡ Subset of relationships in a graph for which analytics will take place.
  • analyses: List[string] (default=NULL) ➡ List of analytics names to be fetched. If provided with NULL, the whole set of analytics will be included.


  • name: string ➡ The name of the analytics.
  • value: string ➡ Analytics value, stored as a string.


Use the following query to analyze a subgraph:

MATCH (n)-[e]-(m)
WITH COLLECT(n) AS nodes_subset, COLLECT(e) AS edges_subset
CALL graph_analyzer.analyze(nodes_subset, edges_subset) YIELD name, value
RETURN name, value;


Database state

The database contains the following data:

Created with the following Cypher queries:

MERGE (a:Node {id: 0}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 1}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 1}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 2}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 1}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 3}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 2}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 3}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 2}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 4}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 3}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 4}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 1}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 5}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 0}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 6}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 5}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 6}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 5}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 7}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 5}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 8}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 7}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 8}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 8}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 9}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);
MERGE (a:Node {id: 10}) MERGE (b:Node {id: 11}) CREATE (a)-[:RELATION]->(b);

Analyze the graph

Get the values using the following query:

CALL graph_analyzer.analyze([
    "nodes", "edges", "bridges", "articulation_points",
    "avg_degree", "is_dag", "is_tree", "strongly_components"
YIELD name, value
RETURN name, value;


| name                                      | value                                     |
| "Number of nodes"                         | "12"                                      |
| "Number of edges"                         | "14"                                      |
| "Number of bridges"                       | "2"                                       |
| "Number of articulation points"           | "3"                                       |
| "Average degree"                          | "1.1666666666666667"                      |
| "Is DAG"                                  | "True"                                    |
| "Is tree"                                 | "False"                                   |
| "Number of strongly connected components" | "12"                                      |