Server stats
Memgraph supports multiple queries to get information about the instance that is being queried.
Instance version
To get the version of the instance being queried, run the following query:
Storage information
Running the following query will return certain information about the storage of the current instance:
The result will contain the following fields:
Field | Description |
name | Name of the current database. |
vertex_count | The number of stored nodes (vertices). |
edge_count | The number of stored relationships (edges). |
average_degree | The average number of relationships of a single node. |
vm_max_map_count | The number of memory-mapped areas that the kernel allows a process to have. If it is unknown, returns -1. For more info, check out virtual memory section of the docs. |
memory_res | The non-swapped physical RAM memory a task has used, reported by the OS (in B, KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB). |
peak_memory_res | Peak RAM memory usage in the system during the whole run. |
unreleased_delta_objects | The current number of still allocated objects with the information about the changes that write transactions have made, called Delta objects. Refer to allocation and deallocation of Delta objects on this page. |
disk_usage | The amount of disk space used by the data directory (in B, KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB). |
memory_tracked | The amount of RAM allocated in the system and tracked by Memgraph (in B, KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB). For more info, check out memory control. |
allocation_limit | The current allocation limit set for this instance (in B, KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB). For more info, check out the memory control. |
global_isolation_level | The current global isolation level.For more info, check out isolation levels. |
session_isolation_level | The current session isolation level. |
next_session_isolation_level | The current next isolation level. |
storage_mode | The current storage mode. For more info, check out storage modes. |
License information
Running the following query will return certain information about the Memgraph Enterprise License that was injected into the system.
Field | Description |
organization_name | Organization name for the enterprise license. |
license_key | Encoded license key. |
is_valid | Brief flag whether the license is currently valid. |
license_type | Enterprise / OEM |
valid_until | Date when the license expires. |
memory_limit | Memory limit (in GiB). |
status | Descriptive status of the license validity. |
Metrics information
Running this query will show the system metrics. Same metrics can be provided from the HTTP endpoint at default port 9091. This is a query that only works with the Memgraph Enterprise License. For the information about the metrics, please see the information about monitoring via HTTP server.
| name | type | metric type | value |
| "AverageDegree" | "General" | "Gauge" | 0 |
| "EdgeCount" | "General" | "Gauge" | 0 |
| "VertexCount" | "General" | "Gauge" | 0 |
| "ActiveLabelIndices" | "Index" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ActiveLabelPropertyIndices" | "Index" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ActiveTextIndices" | "Index" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "UnreleasedDeltaObjects" | "Memory" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "DiskUsage" | "Memory" | "Gauge" | 231838 |
| "MemoryRes" | "Memory" | "Gauge" | 45805568 |
| "PeakMemoryRes" | "Memory" | "Gauge" | 45805568 |
| "AccumulateOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "AggregateOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ApplyOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "CallProcedureOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "CartesianOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ConstructNamedPathOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "CreateExpandOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "CreateNodeOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "DeleteOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "DistinctOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "EdgeUniquenessFilterOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "EmptyResultOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "EvaluatePatternFilterOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ExpandOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ExpandVariableOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "FilterOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ForeachOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "HashJoinOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "IndexedJoinOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "LimitOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "MergeOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "OnceOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "OptionalOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "OrderByOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ProduceOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "RemoveLabelsOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "RemovePropertyOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "RollUpApplyOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByEdgeIdOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByEdgeTypeOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByIdOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByLabelOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByLabelPropertyOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByLabelPropertyRangeOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllByLabelPropertyValueOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ScanAllOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "SetLabelsOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "SetPropertiesOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "SetPropertyOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "SkipOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "UnionOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "UnwindOperator" | "Operator" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "QueryExecutionLatency_us_50p" | "Query" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "QueryExecutionLatency_us_90p" | "Query" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "QueryExecutionLatency_us_99p" | "Query" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "ReadQuery" | "QueryType" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ReadWriteQuery" | "QueryType" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "WriteQuery" | "QueryType" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ActiveBoltSessions" | "Session" | "Counter" | 1 |
| "ActiveSSLSessions" | "Session" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ActiveSessions" | "Session" | "Counter" | 1 |
| "ActiveTCPSessions" | "Session" | "Counter" | 1 |
| "ActiveWebSocketSessions" | "Session" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "BoltMessages" | "Session" | "Counter" | 3 |
| "SnapshotCreationLatency_us_50p" | "Snapshot" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "SnapshotCreationLatency_us_90p" | "Snapshot" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "SnapshotCreationLatency_us_99p" | "Snapshot" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "SnapshotRecoveryLatency_us_50p" | "Snapshot" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "SnapshotRecoveryLatency_us_90p" | "Snapshot" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "SnapshotRecoveryLatency_us_99p" | "Snapshot" | "Histogram" | 0 |
| "MessagesConsumed" | "Stream" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "StreamsCreated" | "Stream" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "ActiveTransactions" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 1 |
| "CommitedTransactions" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "FailedPrepare" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 1 |
| "FailedPull" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "FailedQuery" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 1 |
| "RollbackedTransactions" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "SuccessfulQuery" | "Transaction" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "TriggersCreated" | "Trigger" | "Counter" | 0 |
| "TriggersExecuted" | "Trigger" | "Counter" | 0 |
Build information
Running the following query will return certain information about the build type of the current instance:
Field | Description |
build_type | The optimization level the instance was built with. |
Active users information
Running this query will provide information about currently logged-in Memgraph users and their session details.
| username | session uuid | login timestamp |
| test | "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000" | "2024-08-03 18:53:00" |