How To Build Agentic GraphRAG?
Ditch rigid GraphRAG pipelines—build an AI-powered agent that picks the right tool for every query. Powered by Memgraph 3.0.

Graph Databases in Energy Management: How Volue Transformed the Power Grid with Memgraph
How Volue optimized power grid management with Memgraph’s real-time graph analytics—faster queries, better insights, smarter energy use.

How To Build Interactive Dashboards to Optimize Efficiency with Memgraph
RJ Visser built interactive dashboards with Memgraph to query linked data and integrate Python tools for efficiency.

How to Extract Entities and Build a Knowledge Graph with Memgraph and SpaCy
How to extract entities from text with SpaCy, build knowledge graphs in Memgraph, and visualize insights in just a few steps!

Building a Movie Similarity Search Engine with Vector Search in Memgraph
Check out how to use Memgraph vector search to find similar movies by analyzing plot embeddings with a step-by-step guide.

Riding the Berlin subway: a Graph Database Adventure with Memgraph Lab
Explore the Berlin subway system using Memgraph Lab, mapping subway stops as nodes and connections as edges in a graph database.

Visualizing graphs with Graphistry and Memgraph
Learn how to use Graphistry with Memgraph and visualize your data set.

Analyze Supply Chain with Graph Notebook and Memgraph
How to use Graph Notebook with Memgraph in Jupyter notebooks to analyze a supply chain effectively.

Security Analysis with JupiterOne’s Starbase and Memgraph
Learn how to use JupiterOne’s graph-based security analysis tool Starbase with intuitive graph view backed by Memgraph.

How to Query Your Database with ChatGPT: Memgraph Edition
Learn how to generate a data model for the popular TV show Money Heist, import the data, and query the database using ChatGPT.

Learn Graph Analytics With Python
With the Introduction to graph analytics with Python course, you will learn all about graphs and how to analyze them. Check out the overview of the graph analytics tools landscape and engaging examples to find out how to use the most powerful network analysis Python tools.

Lost in Documentation? Let Our Docs Recommendation System Guide You Along!
DRS is a web application that helps to navigate through documentation by giving you page recommendations based on your input URL.

Visualize Graphs in the Browser With Just a Few Lines of the New Orb Code
Orb is an open-source library developed by Memgraph you can use to visualize graphs by adding just a few lines to your frontend code. This blog post will show you all the cool features Orb offers and how to implement them in your project. Or don't and have slow and appalling graph visualizations - it's your choice. Seriously, use it... it's very easy and fun!

Predicting Drug Interactions in Pharma With ChemicalX Integration
Industry leaders in the drug discovery and development area use graph technology. Here’s why

How to Analyze a Streaming Dataset of Movie Ratings Using Custom Query Modules?
Movie ratings from MovieLens are incoming, but you are still not sure what to watch over the weekend? Create your own movie recommendation system.

How to Analyze and Explore the World of Real-Time NFTS?
Analyze the Art Blocks transaction data, projects and communities in real-time with Memgraph

How to Build a Real-Time Book Recommendation System on Amazon Books Dataset?
Recommending books is hard. Thanks to the Amazon books dataset and insights from graph analytics, you can build your own. Here’s how.

Analyze Infrastructure Networks With Dynamic Betweenness Centrality
Online algorithms are key for rapid response to changes in streamed graph data

How to Use GQLAlchemy Query Builder?
Through this guide, you will learn how to use different query builder methods to create, change, get, set, and remove data from Memgraph.

Importing Table Data Into a Graph Database With GQLAlchemy
Through this short tutorial, you will learn how to import table data from files stored in local or online storage systems to a Memgraph graph database using GQLAlchemy

How to Manage Memgraph Docker Instances in Python
Through this guide, you will learn how to start, stop, connect to and monitor Memgraph instances with GQLAlchemy.

Exploring a Twitter Network With Memgraph in a Jupyter Notebook
Through this short tutorial, you will learn how to install Memgraph, connect to it from a Jupyter Notebook and perform data analysis using graph algorithms.

Exploring the European Gas Pipeline Network With Graph Analytics
Analyzing the European energy crisis and dependency on Russian natural gas imports

Building Robust Applications Using GQLAlchemy
Learn how to build applications from bottom to top with the help of GQLAlchemy.

Streaming and Trigger Support With GQLAlchemy
Learn how to use the GQLAlchemy library to manage data streams and database triggers in Memgraph

Real-Time Visualization With React and D3.js
Learn how to receive real-time data with WebSocket from Flask server using React on the client side and draw updates with D3.js

Monitoring a Dynamic Contact Network With Online Community Detection
Explore rumor spreading in a contact network as it changes through time with online community detection

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Dynamic PageRank and a Twitter Network
Explore a network of retweets using a dynamic PageRank algorithm and a graph database

Connect to a Pulsar Cluster and Analyze Streaming NFT Data With Memgraph
Learn how to connect to a Pulsar cluster, create an Art Blocks NFT database in Memgraph and analyze streaming sales

Analyzing Real-Time Movie Reviews With Redpanda and Memgraph
Through this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to a Redpanda stream from Memgraph and analyze the graph data

How to Identify Essential Proteins Using Betweenness Centrality
A step-by-step tutorial on how to identify essential proteins in protein-protein interaction networks using graph analytics

How to Build a Graph Web Application With Python, Flask, Docker & Memgraph - Part 1
Through this tutorial, you will learn how to create a basic Flask server, Dockerize an app and connect to Memgraph

Recommendation System Using Online Node2Vec With Memgraph MAGE
Learn how to create a real-time recommendation engine with the Online Node2Vec embedding algorithm

How to Use Memgraph With Python and Jupyter Notebooks
Through this tutorial, you will learn how to work with Memgraph from a Python script or a Jupyter Notebook

Twitch Streaming Graph Analysis - Part 3
Learn how to get Twitch data, find the most interesting statistics from the Twitch network and visualize the output of different MAGE algorithms on ingested data in real-time

Twitch Streaming Graph Analysis - Part 2
Learn how to get Twitch data, find the most interesting statistics from the Twitch network and visualize the output of different MAGE algorithms on ingested data in real-time

Twitch Streaming Graph Analysis - Part 1
Learn how to scrape Twitch data, find the most interesting statistics from the Twitch network and visualize the output of different graph algorithms

How to Build a Spotify Recommendation Engine Using Kafka and Memgraph
Check out what it takes to develop a recommendation engine with graph analytics

Exploring Interpersonal Relationships in the Bible
Learn how to visualize family trees and work with live data using Memgraph and Cypher

Analyzing the Eurovision Song Contest With Graphs
Analyzing Eurovision Song Contest results from 1975 to 2019 with graph analytics

Building a BitClout Social Network Visualization App With Memgraph and D3.js
Learn how to develop a simple application for visualizing and analyzing the BitClout social network using Memgraph, Python, and use D3.js.

Optimizing Telco Networks With Graph Coloring & Memgraph MAGE
In this tutorial, you will learn about the code assignment problem in telecommunication networks and how to solve it in a simple yet effective way using graph algorithms and Memgraph.

Running Community Detection With Memgraph and Python NetworkX
Learn how to productionize your NetworkX algorithms with Memgraph using Cypher procedures and query modules.

Modeling, Visualizing, and Navigating a Transportation Network with Memgraph
Learn how to model, visualize, and navigate a complex transportation network using graph algorithms, Cypher, Memgraph, and Memgraph Lab

Understanding Community Detection Algorithms With Python NetworkX
Learn the basic principles behind community detection algorithms, their specific implementations, and how you can run them using Python and NetworkX.

How to Build a Flight Network Analysis Graph-Based ASP.NET Application with Memgraph, C#, and D3.js
Learn how to build a flight network analysis graph-based ASP.NET application using Memgraph, C#, and D3.js.

How to Implement Custom JSON Utility Procedures With Memgraph MAGE and Python.
Learn how to extend the Cypher query language by implementing a few simple custom procedures to load and export data in a JSON format using Memgraph MAGE and Python.

How to Develop a Credit Card Fraud Detection Application Using Memgraph, Flask, and D3.js
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a simple graph-powered Python fraud detection web application from scratch.

Vislet – Visualize Geographic Data in Memgraph Lab
Discover how to visualize graph data on a world map in Memgraph Lab

How to Style Your Graphs in Memgraph Lab
Discover how to customize your graph visualisations using the new scripting lanugage.

How to Build a Route Planning Application with Breadth First Search and Dijkstra's Algorithm
Learn how to leverage breadth-first search and dijkstra's algorithm to build a route planning application with Memgraph and Cypher.

How to Install Memgraph With Docker on macOS
A step-by-step tutorial for installing Memgraph Platform on macOS

How to Install Memgraph and Memgraph Lab on Windows 10
A step-by-step tutorial for installing Memgraph and Memgraph Lab on Windows 10