
Configuration features

The following features enable you smooth configuration and monitoring of your instances.

Audit log

Memgraph supports all query audit logging. When enabled, the audit log contains records of all queries executed on the database.

Auth module

Authentication modules play a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of systems by preventing unauthorized access. For the purpose of supporting LDAP authentication and (optional) authorization, we have built an auth module that is packaged with Memgraph Enterprise.

Configuration settings

Memgraph can be configured by editing the Memgraph configuration file or by including another configuration file.

Data durability and backup

Memgraph uses snapshots and WAL to ensure the durability of the stored data and it comes with a couple of queries that allow you to safely make a backup of these files.

Enabling Memgraph Enterprise

Check how to enable Memgraph Enterprise to get access to advanced security features and multi-tenancy.


Check how to access logs and change log tracking level.


Bolt protocol specifies additional data (metadata) that can be sent along with the requested results. Find out how to access it.

Monitoring server

Receive logs and runtime information from Memgraph in real-time using a WebSocket or HTTP server.


Multi-tenant support in Memgraph enables users to manage multiple isolated databases within a single instance. The primary objective is to facilitate efficient resource isolation, maintain data integrity, and manage access for different clients.


Memgraph comes with a couple of queries that allow you to safely make a backup of the files containing its data. Memgraph supports replication and allows you to create a cluster of nodes running Memgraph instances.

Experimental Replication

When distributing data across several instances, Memgraph uses replication. This has now been expanded to include not only user data but system data as well.


Memgraph comes with the option of granting, denying, or revoking a certain set of privileges to users or groups of users.

Server stats

Get information about the running instance.

SSL encryption

Memgraph uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for establishing an authenticated and encrypted connection to a database instance.

System configuration

Improving Memgraph's efficiency may occasionally require fine-tuning settings at the operating system level. Such modifications are directly related to the rules that control resource distribution and the management of processes.