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42 Graph Articles to Read on 2021 Holidays

42 Graph Articles to Read on 2021 Holidays

By Nenad Malic
3 min readDecember 23, 2021

The holidays are upon us, and we thought that it might be useful to compile a list of graph-related articles for you. We focused on graph algorithms and graph streaming data topics that you could find interesting to read during the holidays. So, here they are:

Graph Algorithms 🧙

Streaming data ✌

Other graph content 💡

Yeah, 42 articles exactly. Maybe they will not give you the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, but we hope that they will be an interesting read for you during these holidays :)

We would like to wish you Happy Holidays and the shortest path to success in the New Year!

Thank you for your support and collaboration over 2021. We look forward to an exciting 2022 ahead of us!

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