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Graph Data Zagreb 7 Report

Graph Data Zagreb 7 Report

By Igor Boroja
2 min readDecember 16, 2022

Seventh Graph Data Zagreb is behind us. This time we had two speakers: Michal Štefaňák with "PHP and Graph Databases" and Srečko Zajec with "Geopolitics and economics of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the EU - a network analysis approach".


Michal told us how he got familiar with graph databases, why he likes them and thinks they can be helpful to any PHP developer. He also talked about his projects, one of which is Memgraph Bolt wrapper.


Srečko revealed some intriguing facts regarding vaccine distribution and trade network analysis which is also a part of his ongoing Ph.D. research. It was engaging to hear about his research, which sparked some interesting conversations afterward.


As always, we socialized with delicious hamburgers and beer after the presentations.


Make sure to check all Graph Data Zagreb meetup photos on our Facebook page (and don’t forget to tag yourself, your friends and colleagues).

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